Noob: Escape from Herobrine and Scary Granny!

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Welcome to Noob: Escape from Herobrine and Scary Granny!

You wake up in an unfamiliar haunted horror house and remember nothing and try to find your way out of this hell. Everything that happens in the house with the ghost of Herobrine is inexplicable. You will be chased by a fat scary guy Noob and it is better not to catch his eye, otherwise he will knock you out and you will again have to look for creepy objects.

Items are located throughout the suspicious house, open boxes, safes, open the locks on the main door and do everything to escape. Scary Granny, like ghost Herobrine, love to hide things in places like closets, lockers and other mysterious places.

Try not to make any noise otherwise the scary Noob will come and knock you out again. But if you caught the eye of an evil vampire spirit - hide behind the corners of the rooms, and you will have a chance to survive his nervous attack.

WASD - character control
E - use
G - throw an item
C - sit down / stand up

Look for items and use them to open the main door to escape.



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