Toad Adventure

Played 149 times.
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The game takes place in a 2D side-scrolling environment with various platforms, obstacles and enemies.
The player controls a frog and must use its jumping abilities to move through the levels.
Each level contains several fruits scattered around the environment.
The player must collect all the fruits before he can move on to the next level.
The fruit can be hidden in hard to reach places or guarded by enemies that the player must defeat.
The player must also avoid falling into pits and being hit by enemies.
After collecting all the fruits, the player must find a way out to complete the level.
The game gets harder with each level, with more enemies, more obstacles and more fruit to collect.

Collect all the fruits and find the exit (in the form of a goblet) to go to the next level

Controls: To move, press A or D or the left and right arrows.

Jumping by pressing the space bar.

Super dash LMB (left mouse button)

Pause: TAB



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