Sly Cat 3D

Played 104 times.
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Sly Cat 3D is a thinking game in which you have to find the right way to help the cat escape. The game has different levels with different obstacles, but there are also things that will help you hide from the guards. This game is for people over 6 years old who love logic and attention games. You can only play in single player mode.

The main goal in this game is for the player to help the cat to escape, bypassing all the obstacles and all the guards. To win, the player must lead the cat to the door that leads out of the room with obstacles and guards. If the cat is noticed by a guard or falls into other traps, the game is considered lost. Movement is very simple. By pressing and holding the left click, the player automatically captures the joystick on the screen, with which he controls the movement of the cat.



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