If you are familiar with the game "Parking" or you often play Tag, then you should definitely try a public transport simulator based on these games.
In our game:
- You will be able to move passengers in the passenger compartment of public transport so that they can get off at their stop.
- Collecting coins for travel, you will be able to accumulate money in order to open new modes of transport.
- Passengers who don't get off at your stop are rather reluctant to move, so you can train your mind by choosing ways to move them.
- When exiting the transport, seize the moment to collect additional coins!
All the characters in the transport can be divided into 2 groups:
1. Staff:
1) The driver.
2) The conductor.
These guys have yellow edging, they can treat passengers. Therefore, before you bring your little man to the exit, be sure to bring him to the staff. (Or you can walk the conductor through the passengers, treating them).
2. Passengers.
These guys are highlighted with a red or green marker if they need to get off at the next stop:
1) Red - they haven't paid their fare yet.
2) Green - already paid for the fare and they can be moved to the door.
On a mobile device, the control is as follows:
- clicked on the passenger you want to control
- - without releasing, move your finger to the desired cell
- if moving to the desired cell is available, the arrow is green, otherwise it is red.
- release your finger, the passenger will run to a new seat.
On a PC, the control is similar, only with the mouse.
All movements are performed vertically or horizontally.