
Played 101 times.
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"PongBall" is a dynamic game that can be played both alone and with your friends on the same computer.
The game has a classic mode, ping pong, which is loved by many, in which you can test your strength and defeat an opponent based only on your skills and reaction speed.
In addition, the game has the ability to add a different number of obstacles to the field, which will bring more variety and interesting game moments, making each round unique.
To think in advance where to hit the ball and track the trajectory of its flight - that's the recipe for victory.
Compete with your friends and become the best player in a dynamic time-tested game!

To switch modes, click on the buttons in the menu and the value will change.

The first platform player moves up when pressing - W, and down when pressing - S.
To play from mobile devices, use the sensor on the left side of the screen.

The second player - control the platform using the up and down arrows on the keyboard.
To play from mobile devices, use the sensor on the right side of the screen.

During the game, there is a pause button in the upper right corner, when clicked, a menu opens with the ability to adjust the volume of music and sounds, as well as an exit button to the main menu, where you can change the game mode or the score to which you will play.



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