"Happy Cat Run" is an exciting browser game in the endless runner genre, inspired by the popular TikTok banana cat. In this captivating game, you will take control of an incredibly adorable cat and embark on an exhilarating adventure. Your task is to overcome obstacles and collect as many fish as possible to unlock new unique skins for your hero, inspired by popular memes.
You can expect an incredibly dynamic gameplay where you'll need to react quickly to obstacles that come your way. Avoid traps, jump over barriers, and use all your reflexes to achieve the best possible score.
By collecting enough fish, you'll be able to unlock new skins for your happy cat, based on popular memes. Each new skin will add a unique style to your cat, allowing you to showcase your individuality and stand out among other players.
In "Happy Cat Run," your main goal is to collect as many fish as possible while avoiding collisions with obstacles. We provide you with convenient control options to make the game as comfortable as possible.
On a computer, you can control the cat using the WASD keys or the arrow keys on the keyboard, as well as using mouse movements with the right button held down. This allows you to choose the most convenient control method that suits your preferences and skills.
If you're playing on a mobile device, the controls are carried out through gestures. Use left or right swipes to move the cat along the lanes. Additionally, you can perform an upward swipe to make the cat jump, or a downward swipe to make the cat crouch and avoid obstacles.