Fight in the Tavern

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Board game in 3D. Duels between players on different game cubes. If you have not found a partner, then it does not matter, the computer will help you out. Beware of the Barbarian, he is a simple guy, he sees the challenge, he accepts it.

Players take turns, turn time 3 seconds, round duration 60 seconds. Each action requires a die roll. d6 - a simple 6-sided die, value from 1 to 6. d10 - a 10-sided die, value from 1 to 10, etc. The attacker rolls the dice to attack, the defender rolls to defend. If the value of the defense dice is greater than or equal to the value of the attackers, no damage is dealt. Otherwise, the amount of damage is equal to the attack value minus the defense value.

The sum of the values ​​of all "thrown" dice is shown in the battle (bottom-middle of the screen) after choosing an action.

Each character has its own characteristics. You can read more about them in the INFO section of the game.



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