The game combines traditional elements of collectible card strategies with small part of RPG elements that add brightness and interest to the process of character development. The familiar mechanics and abilities of the cards, known from dozens of games, successfully coexist and interact with new ones that exist only in the world of Eviron.
The war of two ancient races endangered the existence of the world created by the ancient spirit - Karrudas. The people of Meridis are subject to continuous attacks from the Shiotts, and Niars froze in indecision, slowly helping the inhabitants of the middle world. But that's half the trouble. The ancient Elements broke free, carrying dangerous and deadly magic. Collecting entire armies under their banner, they began a war for domination in Eviron. Noone can predict which side the victory will be on, who will pave the way to victory step by step.
If you are ready to embark on the path of endless war - the World of Eviron awaits you!
One of the most interesting and exciting parts of any collectible card game is deck building. The Eviron Chronicle is not the exception to the general rule. What could be more pleasant than choose one card from hundreds of others that will brings you the long-awaited victory. But how to make the right choice of those 30 cards that will lead to triumph? After all, not every combination of creatures and spells is capable of overthrowing your opponent.
How to inflict 30 damage to the opponent, who does not sleep at all and also cherishes insidious plans? We have four kinds of tools to accomplish this task: generals, spells, traps, and creatures. Since the enemy is not at all going to early throw out the white flag, it is worth thinking about one more obligatory thing: to ensure in your own safety, to survive until the end of the battle. Come up with a plan of action, choose suitable cards for it, enjoy the defeat of the enemy and your triumph... Seems simple? Try it yourself!