Card solitaire "Desire" is a complex and smart solitaire for one person, in which the possibility of winning depends little on luck and is based on two main things: your thinking and your desire to win.
Two decks of cards on the playing field are shuffled into three game rows.
The first row containing 8 open cards is called the bases.
The second row, also with 8 cards open, is called the active row.
And finally, the third row, consisting of 11 piles of 8 cards each, is called a reserve.
To win, you need to move all the cards from the active row and reserve to the bases.
At the same time, a card from the active row can be placed on the bases if its value is 1 more than that of the card in the base. You can put an ace on the card with the highest value (king). The suit is not taken into account.
Clicking on any stack of cards in the reserve will expand this stack into the active row, placing it on top of the pictures already there.
When there are no cards left in the active row or in the reserve, you have won.