Blackjack is an ancient game that was most popular in the USSR, where it was experiencing its golden age. Players bet on their cards, play against the dealer and try to get cards with a total of 21 points or as close as possible to this number, but not exceeding this number.
In the game BlackJack 21: USSR, the entire graphic and design style is made in the style of the classic Soviet Union. In this exciting card game, each player must show tactics, thanks to which he will be able to outwit the dealer. He must place his bet and get the cards, avoiding exceeding the amount of 21 points. In the game you can get rich in Soviet rubles, but you can also be left with empty pockets.
The BlackJack 21: USSR game was created so that players could enjoy the classic Blackjack game in the style of the Soviet Union, test their bluff and tactics skills
To start the game, select a bet using the chips that are located at the bottom of the screen. After that, you get two cards, all cards give the player a certain number of points. The main goal of the game is to score 21 points. If you are not satisfied with the number of points, then you can take another card. The winner is the one who has the sum of the numbers closest to 21. If the number becomes more than 21, then it is a loss.
To find out how many points you get for a card, just look at its face value. For example, the card on which the number 5 is drawn will be equal to 5 points. The king, queen and jack are equal to 10, and the ace is 11/1 points (at the very beginning, the ace is equal to 11 points, but if the player has a bust, then the ace becomes equal to 1).
If the player runs out of Soviet rubles, then he can click on the button to replenish the account for advertising.